Cube ‘n’ Cubes

Cube, Texture, Normals n Light

Over the weekend I have managed to do a bit for my Voxel Engine – well now it will be more like minecraft but hey I am still learning.

Boxes are connected by manager to Entity, Material manager improves performance.

The idea is simple each object is based on bunch of cubes, terrain is based on bunch of objects, that should allows me to implement octree pretty easily.. I hope.

Bonsai v0.2

256x256x256 8 - 9 FPS.. Need Optimisation already...

After hours spent on struggling with the VBO’s and GLSL I have managed to draw my first voxel based model.. the bonsai tree *fanfare*.
File loading time and processing takes about 20seconds, 8.3 FPS without culling or optimisation.. primitive brute force.. get all the points process them through marching cubes algorithm and then draw on the screen.. barbarity I know. but I had to start somehow.
Camera system allow to move around which is kind a nice..

Good night.

Frustum Culling – First Clash in OpenGL

Lately I have started preparing tools for voxel engine, after yesterdays fails with bloom/hdr today I won the battle with Frustum Culling – well it was only battle and there is still lot to improve.
Above we can see snowman’s – my tech model – used in OpenGL API learning process.

Anyway – for some weird reason I have decided that drown “testing models” will be in red. and the colling ones green – don’t ask. Fairly quickly I figured out that culling is updating only when camera is in the move. when rotates frustum is not being updated.. Need to investigate that.
Not tonight..

C++ + GLSL + GLFW + GLUT = Snowmans

This weekend I have moved little bit with my voxel engine..
On Saturday Marching Cubes algorithm has been implemented, but debugging was long and hard, so I have decided to take step back and prepare tools I will need in the future – simple input handler and camera class,

for testing this features I have used mr. Snowman x 36 🙂

Effect as on image.