Frame Animation manager – 2D

This week at university we have covered 2D frame animation – simple idea every frame is separate image.

what we need are two classes:

  • Animation
  • AnimationManager
// Animation.h
#pragma once


class Animation
  IDirect3DTexture9* texture;
  int frameWidth;
  int frameHeight;
  int startFrame;
  int endFrame;
  int frameCount;
  float frameTime;
  bool isLooping;
  Animation(IDirect3DTexture9* texture);
  Animation(IDirect3DTexture9* texture, float frameTime, bool isLooping);
  Animation(IDirect3DTexture9* texture, float frameTime, bool isLooping, int startFrame, int endFrame,int frameWidth, int frameHeight);

  void setTexture(IDirect3DTexture9* newTexture){ texture = newTexture; }
  IDirect3DTexture9* getTexture(){ return texture;}

  void setFrameTime(float newFrameTime){ frameTime = newFrameTime;};
  float getFrameTime(){return frameTime;}

  void setIsLooping(bool newIsLooping){ isLooping = newIsLooping; }
  bool getIsLooping() { return isLooping; }

  void setStartFrame(int newStartFrame) { startFrame = newStartFrame;}
  int getStartFrame() { return startFrame;}

  void setEndFrame(int newEndFrame) { endFrame = newEndFrame; }
  int getEndFrame() { return endFrame; }

  void setFrameCount(int newFrameCount) { frameCount = newFrameCount; }
  int getFrameCount() { return frameCount;}

  void setFrameWidth(int newFrameWidht) { frameWidth = newFrameWidht; }
  int getFrameWidth() { return frameWidth; }

  void setFrameHeight(int newFrameHeight) { frameHeight = newFrameHeight; } 
  int getFrameHeight() { return frameHeight; }

as we can see just bunch of attributes and geters/seters

// Animation.cpp
#include "Animation.h"

Animation::Animation(IDirect3DTexture9* texture): texture(texture){
  frameTime = 1.0f/ 30.0f;
  isLooping = true;
  texture->GetLevelDesc(0, &desc);
  startFrame = 0;
  endFrame = desc.Width / desc.Height;
  frameCount = endFrame - startFrame;
  frameWidth = desc.Height; 
  frameHeight = desc.Height;

Animation::Animation(IDirect3DTexture9* texture, float frameTime, bool isLooping)
: texture(texture), frameTime(frameTime),isLooping(isLooping){
  texture->GetLevelDesc(0, &desc);
  startFrame = 0;
  endFrame = desc.Width / desc.Height;
  frameCount = endFrame - startFrame;
  frameWidth = desc.Height; 
  frameHeight = desc.Height;

Animation::Animation(IDirect3DTexture9* texture, float frameTime, bool isLooping, int startFrame, int endFrame,int frameWidth, int frameHeight)
: texture(texture),
frameHeight(frameHeight) {
  frameCount = endFrame - startFrame;

// AnimationManager.h
#pragma once

#include "Animation.h"
class AnimationPlayer
  Animation* currentAnimation;
  std::string playing;
  std::map animations;
  int frameIndex;
  float time;
  void playAnimation(std::string name);
  void addAnimation(std::string name, Animation* anim);
  void update(float frameTime);
  void draw(ID3DXSprite* spriteBatch, D3DXVECTOR3 position, D3DXMATRIX transform);

  Animation* getCurrentAnimation(){return currentAnimation;}

  std::string getPlaying(){ return playing; }
  int getFrameIndes() { return frameIndex;}

Animation manager keeps all animations in map, pointer to current animation, playing are easy to guess.

same with methods: playAnimation, addAnimation, draw and getCurrentAnimation but why there is an update method?
well code should make that clear.

// AnimationManager.cpp
#include "AnimationPlayer.h"


  std::map::iterator iter = animations.begin();
  for(; iter != animations.end(); ++iter){
    delete iter->second;

void AnimationPlayer::playAnimation(std::string name){
  Animation* anim = animations[name];
  if(anim == currentAnimation)

  currentAnimation = anim;
  playing = name;
  frameIndex = 0;
  time = 0.0f;

void AnimationPlayer::update(float frameTime){
  if(currentAnimation == 0)

  time += frameTime;

  while(time > currentAnimation->getFrameTime()){
    time -=currentAnimation->getFrameTime();
      frameIndex = (++frameIndex) % currentAnimation->getFrameCount();
      frameIndex = min(++frameIndex, currentAnimation->getFrameCount() - 1);

void AnimationPlayer::draw(ID3DXSprite* sprite, D3DXVECTOR3 position, D3DXMATRIX transform){
  if(currentAnimation == 0)
  D3DXMATRIX currentTransform;

  int frameX = (frameIndex + currentAnimation->getStartFrame());
  frameX *= currentAnimation->getFrameWidth();

  int frameY = (frameIndex + currentAnimation->getStartFrame());
  frameY *= currentAnimation->getFrameWidth();
  frameY %= currentAnimation->getFrameWidth();

  RECT rect;
  rect.left = frameX;
  rect.right = frameX + currentAnimation->getFrameWidth(); = frameY;
  rect.bottom = frameY + currentAnimation->getFrameHeight();

  sprite->Draw(currentAnimation->getTexture(), &rect, 0, &position, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255));

I am bit worried because all stuff we do leads us – students to develop 2D based platformer game.. next week we are going to do simple 2d physics and particles.. which is not really necessary in my game.

but good news is.. I have managed to get back on track with my 3D Zombeesh.. some tech demo should be ready by end of the week!! can’t wait!

PlayerManager – prototype class

Just a quick note. I have managed to write Player Manager class which is kind a prototype.. the two issues that I am having are how to get an offset of a map.. if I am trying to set up offset to static DXDVECTOR3 variable inside Level class linker is complaining, passing as attribute well it is a option but then I need to modify other classes.

Second problem is click in a frame. actually I have just figured this out :).. wow sometimes one sec break and step back can do the trick.

Anyway deep beta presents PlayerManager prototype class – probably it will be totally modified but as far as now I have something like that:

// PlayerManager.h

#pragma once

#include "Entity.h"
#include "Level.h"

class PlayerManager
  //players entities
  static std::map playersEntities;
  static std::map playersSelectedEntities;	
  static PlayerManager* instance;
  static void init();
  static void registerPlayersEntity(Entity* playersEntity); // called in players unity type constructor
  static void removePlayersEntity(Entity* playersEntity);
  static Entity* getPlayersEntity(int id);
  static void clearSelected();
  static void addEntityToSelected(POINT mousePosition);

// PlayerManager.cpp
#include "PlayerManager.h"
#include "Collision.h"

PlayerManager* PlayerManager::instance =0;
std::map PlayerManager::playersEntities = std::map();
std::map PlayerManager::playersSelectedEntities = std::map();


void PlayerManager::init(){
  PlayerManager::instance = new PlayerManager();

  //clear selected units list
  std::map::iterator iter = playersSelectedEntities.begin();
  for(; iter != playersSelectedEntities.end(); ++iter){
    delete iter->second;
    iter->second = 0;

//register entity in players list
void PlayerManager::registerPlayersEntity(Entity* entity){
  //register entity called only once and after registration in entity manager
  // we have entity ID and I am pretty sure it will not dublicate.
  playersEntities[entity->getID()] = entity;

void PlayerManager::removePlayersEntity(Entity* entity){
  //removes selecred entity from players entities lise
  std::map::iterator iter = playersEntities.find(entity->getID());
  if(iter != playersEntities.end())

Entity* PlayerManager::getPlayersEntity(int id){
  //returns pointer to entity defined by id
  std::map::iterator iter = playersEntities.find(id);
  if(iter != playersEntities.end())
    return iter->second;
  return 0;

void PlayerManager::addEntityToSelected(POINT mousePosition){
  D3DXVECTOR3 position(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
  float radius = 1.0f;

  D3DXVECTOR3 mPosition(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, 0.0f);

  Circle mouseCircle = {mPosition, radius };
  Circle unitCircle = {position, radius };
  mouseCircle.position.x = mousePosition.x; // need to figure out how to apply offset
  mouseCircle.position.y = mousePosition.y;
  mouseCircle.position.z = 0.0f;
  mouseCircle.radius = 2.0f;
  std::map::iterator iter = playersEntities.begin();
  for(; iter != playersEntities.end(); ++iter){
    unitCircle.position = iter->second->getPosition();
    unitCircle.radius = 20.0f; // need to set this global instead of calculated based on number images etc like TILEBASEWIDTH or something
    CollisionResults collisionResult = TestCollisionCircle(mouseCircle, unitCircle);
    if(collisionResult == OVERLAPPING){
      std::cout < < "AWESOME";
    }else {
      std::cout << "NOT";

void PlayerManager::clearSelected(){
  std::map::iterator iter = playersSelectedEntities.begin();
  for(; iter != playersSelectedEntities.end(); ++iter){
      delete iter->second;
      iter->second = 0;

Zombeesh overview 1 – Collision detection circle based

After less than one week – weekend not counted in (I have had over 24hrs of sleep during weekend, I really hate to be sick) I have cought up with university material. Material covered:

  • Tile system for map loaded from a file
  • offset for moving map
  • entity manager for all objects on the map – plus improvement
  • messaging system – communication between instances of objects
  • collision detection – and my own improvement
  • moving around the map – mouse based
  • font manager

Plans for next week

  • Selecting objects by mouse click – hoping to select more than one element
  • collision detection applied for object on a map
  • placing building on the map
  • shooting to zombies and other stuff.

Meanwhile I will post some code – I haven’t done that for a while.

Collision detection class with improvements

// Collision.h
#pragma once

const float TOUCH_DISTANCE = 0.000000000001;

static enum CollisionResults {

struct Circle{
  D3DXVECTOR3& position;
  float radius;

struct BoundingBox{
  D3DXVECTOR3& position;
  D3DXVECTOR3& size;

bool TestCollision(const BoundingBox& a, const BoundingBox& b);

CollisionResults TestCollisionCircle(const Circle& a, const Circle& b);

Pretty easy stuff here – two structs for BoundingBox and Circle enum for collision between circles – I have added it because I want to base selecting objects and – well all collision on two circles.

// Collision.cpp
#include "Collision.h"

bool TestCollision(const BoundingBox& a, const BoundingBox& b){
  float t;
  if((t = a.position.x - b.position.x) > b.size.x || -t > a.size.x)
    return false;
  if((t = a.position.y - b.position.y) > b.size.y || -t > a.size.y)
    return false;
  if((t = a.position.z - b.position.z) > b.size.z || -t > a.size.z)
    return false;
  return true;

CollisionResults TestCollisionCircle(const Circle& a, const Circle& b){
  //for math
  CollisionResults colliding;
  float distance_squared;
  float radii_squared;

  //a*a + b*b = c*c
  distance_squared = ((a.position.x - b.position.x)* (a.position.x - b.position.x))+
                     ((a.position.y - b.position.y)* (a.position.y - b.position.y));

  //Multiplication is faster than taking a square root
  radii_squared = (a.radius + b.radius) * (a.radius + b.radius);

  if( -TOUCH_DISTANCE < radii_squared - distance_squared &&radii_squared - distance_squared < TOUCH_DISTANCE) 		
    colliding = TOUCHING;
  else if(radii_squared > distance_squared)
    colliding = OVERLAPPING;
    colliding = NO_COLLISION;

  return colliding;

pretty simple stuff here as well – Pythagorean theorem based. if distance between two points is bigger than sum of radius of circles then there is no collision if it is equal there is a collision but if it is smaller they overlap – so we have covered all 3 states first two for collision detection on the map and third one for selecting. simple

Backup plan

I have spent too much time on trying to figure out 3D Picking and meshes.

I need to prepare backup plan – only 6weeks left till deadline.

here it is:

2D –  Top down – survival.

the idea is pretty the same as in 3D version – but I am considering get rid of building and as a production supplies – I mean we will have a farmers family that want to survive on their farm, yes sheep will be there.. here is scenario.

player controls 4 people team in where every unit has special skills – range, male dps, meal tank, healer – pretty standard rpg group.

I am considering as well game play ideally that would be multi player with server and clients but as far as now player will be able to control on of units and the rest will have some sort of AI. RPG elements will allow leveling for a team, and some perks will drop from zombies, wave time based play stays the same.

I have started developing engine from scratch.. again.. well this time I will base on university engine that we are developing at practicals by end of this week I should have:

  • Working framework
  • Tailed base map
  • Entity manager
  • Collision detection
  • Messaging system
  • Basic.. really basic AI
  • loads of small things like sprite renderer, game clock, animation engine, etc

Oh one big change.. I have decided to use DirectX9 instead on 10/11.. we are covering this one at university.. and I really do not have time to learn this one on my own.. probably later on I will do anyway.. but.. I am really tight with my time frames.

Day 10: Height Map

I am satisfied with that height map – no multi textures, blending, water or even trees.. I need to concentrate on logic now, polishing details will be last thing.

plan for today/tomorrow.

picking + adding objects on the map..

good luck Luke..

thanks Luke.

ok 2 more thing left before I ll be ready to go with picking and objects,

1. need to set up camera in 45 degree
2. I need to think of optimisation.. some sort of quad tree or so..

Day 9: Motivation Kick

I need to figured out what I want/have to do with University and work.. need to find a balance,

Today after chat with my Program Leader I have decided to start going forward and developing stuff that I actually will need and polish small things at the end, that’s why today I have managed to create 1024 by 1024 grid map which will be base for my 3D hight map based strategy game, decisions has been made. nothing else left than developing..

Element Covered Tonight:

  • movement class
  • terrain class
  • grid helper

Tomorrow – Height map.

Maya Converter Created v 0.1

I made this!

I have developed simple file that converts .obj file format exported from Maya to format that can be in easy way imported to my framework, processed and displayed! current version allows to import whole object with texture! This simple but really flexible script allows me to import any model exported to .Obj to the framework/engine.. how cool is that?!

some code below:

loading file and counts
[cc lang=”cpp”]
ifstream fin;
char input;

// counts.
vertexCount = 0;
textureCount = 0;
normalCount = 0;
faceCount = 0;

// open the file.;

// was successful in opening the file?
if( == true)
return false;

// beginning of the vertices section.
while(input != ‘v’)
// remainder of the line.
while(input != ‘\n’)

// start reading next line.

// vertices, texture coord, and normals counts
while(input == ‘v’)

if(input == ‘ ‘) { vertexCount++; }
if(input == ‘t’) { textureCount++; }
if(input == ‘n’) { normalCount++; }

// the line.
while(input != ‘\n’)


// number faces.
if(input == ‘f’) { faceCount++; }

// the line.
while(input != ‘\n’)


// Close the file.

now file processor:
[cc lang=”cpp”]
VertexType *vertices, *texcoords, *normals;
FaceType *faces;
ifstream fin;
int vertexIndex, texcoordIndex, normalIndex, faceIndex, vIndex, tIndex, nIndex;
char input, input2;
ofstream fout;

// Init the data structures.
vertices = new VertexType[vertexCount];
return false;

texcoords = new VertexType[textureCount];
return false;

normals = new VertexType[normalCount];
return false;

faces = new FaceType[faceCount];
return false;

// the indexes.
vertexIndex = 0;
texcoordIndex = 0;
normalIndex = 0;
faceIndex = 0;

// open the file.;

// opened?
if( == true)
return false;

// parse of the vertices section.
while(input != ‘v’)
// the line.
while(input != ‘\n’)

// read the next line.

// Read vertices, texture coordinates, and normals into the data structures.
// + convert to left hand coordinate system.
while(input == ‘v’)

// read in the vertices.
if(input == ‘ ‘)
fin >> vertices[vertexIndex].x >> vertices[vertexIndex].y >> vertices[vertexIndex].z;

// Invert the Z vertex to left hand system.
vertices[vertexIndex].z = vertices[vertexIndex].z * -1.0f;


// Read texture coords.
if(input == ‘t’)
fin >> texcoords[texcoordIndex].x >> texcoords[texcoordIndex].y;

// change the V texture coordinates to left hand system.
texcoords[texcoordIndex].y = 1.0f – texcoords[texcoordIndex].y;


// read normals.
if(input == ‘n’)
fin >> normals[normalIndex].x >> normals[normalIndex].y >> normals[normalIndex].z;

// normal to left hand system.
normals[normalIndex].z = normals[normalIndex].z * -1.0f;


// read line.
while(input != ‘\n’)

// next line.

//number of face indexes.
if(input == ‘f’)
// Read backwards – to a left hand system.
fin >> faces[faceIndex].vIndex3 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex3 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex3
>> faces[faceIndex].vIndex2 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex2 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex2
>> faces[faceIndex].vIndex1 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex1 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex1;

// the line.
while(input != ‘\n’)

// next line.

// close.

// output file.“model.txt”);

// header.
fout << "Vertex Count: " << (faceCount * 3) << endl; fout << endl; fout << "Data:" << endl; fout << endl; for(int i=0; i